This past Friday, I visited Dr. Richard Cary, where his most recent work Credo, is on exhibition. I also had the pleasure of meeting a number of students that I was able to share my passion of photography and design in a small workshop environment. The exhibition is on the campus of Mars Hill College in North Carolina. Dr. Cary's book Credo can be purchased here: Credo
Richard Cary
From the Artist Statement, " Credo. This one-sentence, "I believe" in Latin, is a simple, powerful declaration of faith with qualification of reservation. The photographs in Credo document moments in the religious lives of a small congregation of Signs Following believers and their pastor Reverend Jimmy Morrow at a Church of God in Jesus' Name Only in the southern Appalachian Mountains. The preactices of Sign Followers are based on New Testament scripture from Mark 16: 17-18: ..."